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Journal Articles

Computational science studies on radiocesium adsorption on clay minerals

Okumura, Masahiko

Chikyu Kagaku, 55(4), p.110 - 121, 2021/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Aim for computational science on corrosion problems and prompt approach for corrosion of 1F decommissioning in JSCE

Yamamoto, Masahiro

Zairyo To Kankyo 2020 Koenshu (CD-ROM), p.9 - 16, 2020/05

The author has been continuing research and development for corrosion science for about forty years. One of the main targets of his research is applying computational science techniques on corrosion problems. The results are briefly introduced in this article. Also, the author organized some workshop for corrosion problems of 1F decommissioning procedure for several years. Such activities are evaluated for receiving the society award in JSCE.

JAEA Reports

Preparation of Computational Science Simulation Code SPLICE for Laser Manufacturing Process; Research activities on FY2019

Muramatsu, Toshiharu

JAEA-Research 2019-008, 111 Pages, 2019/11


A general-purpose three-dimensional thermohydraulics numerical simulation code SPLICE (residual Stress control using Phenomenological modeling for Laser welding repair process In Computational Environment) was designed to deal with gas-liquid-solid consolidated incompressible viscous flows with a phase change process in various laser applications. Main features of the SPLICE code are as follows: (1) A multi-scale model is used to simulate complicated phenomena, such as welding to solidification of metal materials, thermal and mechanical interactions among gas, liquid and solid phases, etc., (2) SPLICE code is applicable for the evaluation of welding, cutting, piercing, coating, additive manufacturing, etc. and (3) A graphic user interface (GUI) is prepared for users to easy utilization of the SPLICE code. This report describes the details of the mathematics, physics, numerics, sample applications of the SPLICE code.

Journal Articles

Numerical simulation of laser welding different kinds of materials using a thermohydraulics computational science numerical simulation code SPLICE

Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Sato, Yuji; Kamei, Naomitsu; Aoyagi, Yuji*; Shobu, Takahisa

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Dai-13-Kai Seisan Kako, Kosaku Kikai Bumon Koenkai Koen Rombunshu (No.19-307) (Internet), p.157 - 160, 2019/10

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Review of research on Advanced Computational Science in FY2017

Center for Computational Science & e-Systems

JAEA-Evaluation 2018-002, 32 Pages, 2019/02


Research on advanced computational science for nuclear applications, based on "Plan to Achieve Medium to Long-term Objectives of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Medium to Long-term Plan)", has been performed at Center for Computational Science & e-Systems (CCSE), Japan Atomic Energy Agency. CCSE established the committee consisting outside experts and authorities which does research evaluation and advices for the assistance of the research and development. This report summarizes the followings. (1) Results of the R&D performed at CCSE in FY 2017 (April 1st, 2017 - March 31st, 2018), (2) Results of the evaluation on the R&D by the committee in FY 2017

Journal Articles

Provision of laser irradiation conditions for melting and solidification processes using computational science simulation code SPLICE

Muramatsu, Toshiharu

Sumato Purosesu Gakkai-Shi, 8(1), p.4 - 8, 2019/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Provision of laser irradiation conditions for melting and solidification processes using computational science simulation code SPLICE

Muramatsu, Toshiharu

Nihon Kikai Gakkai 2018-Nendo Nenji Taikai Koen Rombunshu (DVD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2018/09

A general-purpose three-dimensional thermohydraulics computer science simulation code SPLICE was developed at JAEA and designed to deal with gas-liquid-solid consolidated incompressible viscous flows with a phase change process in various laser applications. The results obtained from various numerical simulations using the SPLICE code are very encouraging in the sense that the SPLICE code would be used as one of the efficient front-loading tools to reduce overhead loads in laser processing.

Journal Articles

Computational science simulations for laser coating processes

Muramatsu, Toshiharu

Reza Kako Gakkai-Shi, 25(2), p.81 - 85, 2018/06

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Review of research on Advanced Computational Science in FY2016

Center for Computational Science & e-Systems

JAEA-Evaluation 2017-002, 37 Pages, 2017/12


Research on advanced computational science for nuclear applications, based on "Plan to Achieve Medium to Long-term Objectives of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Medium to Long-term Plan)", has been performed at Center for Computational Science & e-Systems (CCSE), Japan Atomic Energy Agency. CCSE established the committee consisting outside experts and authorities which does research evaluation and advices for the assistance of the research and development. This report summarizes the followings. (1) Results of the R&D performed at CCSE in FY 2016 (April 1st, 2016 - March 31st, 2017), (2) Results of the evaluation on the R&D by the committee in FY 2016

Journal Articles

Recent advances in modeling and simulation of the exposure and response of tungsten to fusion energy conditions

Marian, J.*; Becquart, C. S.*; Domain, C.*; Dudarev, S. L.*; Gilbert, M. R.*; Kurtz, R. J.*; Mason, D. R.*; Nordlund, K.*; Sand, A. E.*; Snead, L. L.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 57(9), p.092008_1 - 092008_26, 2017/06

 Times Cited Count:105 Percentile:99.22(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Under the anticipated operating conditions for demonstration magnetic fusion reactors beyond ITER, structural materials will be exposed to unprecedented conditions of irradiation, heat flux, and temperature. While such extreme environments remain inaccessible experimentally, computational modeling and simulation can provide qualitative and quantitative insights into materials response and complement the available experimental measurements. For plasma facing components such as the first wall and the divertor, tungsten (W) has been selected as the best candidate material due to its superior high-temperature and irradiation properties. In this paper we provide a review of recent efforts in computational modeling of W both as a plasma-facing material as well as a bulk structural material subjected to fast neutron irradiation. We highlight several of the most salient findings obtained via computational modeling and point out a number of remaining future challenges.

JAEA Reports

Review of research on Advanced Computational Science in FY2015

Center for Computational Science & e-Systems

JAEA-Evaluation 2016-003, 38 Pages, 2017/01


Research on advanced computational science for nuclear applications, based on "Plan to Achieve Medium to Long-term Objectives of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Medium to Long-term Plan)", has been performed at Center for Computational Science & e-Systems (CCSE), Japan Atomic Energy Agency. CCSE established the committee consisting outside experts and authorities which does research evaluation and advices for the assistance of the research and development. This report summarizes the followings. (1) Results of the R&D performed at CCSE in FY 2015 (April 1st, 2015 - March 31st, 2016), (2) Results of the evaluation on the R&D by the committee in FY 2015 (April 1st, 2015 - March 31st, 2016)

Journal Articles

Suppression of radiation-induced point defects by rhenium and osmium interstitials in tungsten

Suzudo, Tomoaki; Hasegawa, Akira*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 6, p.36738_1 - 36738_6, 2016/11

 Times Cited Count:27 Percentile:65.15(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Modeling of the evolution of radiation-induced defects is important for finding radiation-resistant materials, which would be greatly appreciated in nuclear applications. We apply the first principles method combined with kinetic Monte Carlo to indicate a mechanism to mitigate the effect of radiation by adding particular solute elements that change the migration dimension of interstitials in W crystals. The resultant mechanism is applicable to any body-centered-cubic (BCC) metals whose SIAs have one-dimensional (1D) motion and is expected to provide a general guideline for computational design of radiation-resistant alloys in the field of nuclear applications.

Journal Articles

Computational science simulation of laser material processing and provision of their irradiation conditions

Muramatsu, Toshiharu

KANRIN, 68, p.14 - 18, 2016/09

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Review of research on Advanced Computational Science in FY2010-2014

Center for Computational Science & e-Systems

JAEA-Evaluation 2015-015, 182 Pages, 2016/03


Research on advanced computational science for nuclear applications, based on "the plan for meeting the mid-term goal of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency", has been performed at Center for Computational Science & e-Systems (CCSE), Japan Atomic Energy Agency. CCSE established the committee consisting outside experts and authorities which does research evaluation and advices for the assistance of the research and development. This report summarizes the followings. (1) Results of the R&D performed at CCSE in the period of the midterm plan (April 1st, 2010 - March 31st, 2015), (2) Results of the evaluation on the R&D by the committee in the period of the midterm plan (April 1st, 2010 - March 31st, 2015)

Journal Articles

Front-loading method for laser processing of metallic materials with a digital mock-up system

Muramatsu, Toshiharu

Dai-84-KaiReza Kako Gakkai Koen Rombunshu, p.113 - 116, 2016/01

A general-purpose three-dimensional thermohydraulics numerical simulation code SPLICE was developed at Japan Atomic Energy Agency and designed to deal with gas-liquid-solid consolidated incompressible viscous flows with a phase change process in various laser applications, such as welding, coating, cutting, etc. The result obtained from laser coating simulations is very encouraging in the sense that the SPLICE code would be used as one of efficient front-loading tools for related to the laser coating processes.

Journal Articles

Computational science simulation of laser materials processing and provision of their irradiation conditions

Muramatsu, Toshiharu

RIST News, (60), p.22 - 27, 2016/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

An Illustration by the next generation numerical simulator for quake-proofing on the K

Nakajima, Norihiro; Suzuki, Yoshio; Miyamura, Hiroko; Nishida, Akemi; Kawakami, Yoshiaki; Guo, Z.; Tomiyama, Eiji*

Keisan Kogaku, 20(4), p.3338 - 3340, 2015/12

The issue 5 in the field 4 of "Monodukuri" in the HPCI strategy project is introduced. The title of the issue 5 is "research and development for the next-generation earthquake-resistant simulation of the large plants such as nuclear energy facilities". The illustration intends for a high temperature engineering examination research reactor. Implementation of FIESTA (Finite Element Analysis for Structure of Assembly) on K is described by reporting its efficiency and performance. To show a result of the numerical analysis, a visualization technique for the big data was described.

JAEA Reports

Joint R&D of basic technology to evaluate structure of a large-scale system by the computing science in fiscal year 2013 (Joint research)

Center for Computational Science & e-Systems; Research info Artifacts, Center for Engineering, The University of Tokyo*

JAEA-Review 2015-011, 72 Pages, 2015/09


This report provides an overview of the joint research of the Center for Computational Science & e-Systems (CCSE), JAEA and Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, the University of Tokyo in fiscal year 2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014). The primary results of the research and development activities are the development of the middleware which assists large scale simulations such as the structural analysis in high precision and/or high efficiency, and the model construction to evaluate the safety of the materials. Other results of the activity are holding a joint workshop and seminars. Overview of the activity is included in this report.

JAEA Reports

Summative report of the public competition research and development on software for computational science and engineering in the fiscal year 1997 through 2002

Office of Planning; Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering

JAERI-Review 2005-038, 68 Pages, 2005/09


Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute started the public competition research and development on software for computational science and engineering in 1997, and closed it in 2002. This report describes the system of the competition research and development, application situations, R & D subjects adopted, evaluation findings, outputs produced, achievements and problems, as a summative report of practice of the system for six years.

JAEA Reports

Summaries of research and development activities by using JAERI computer system in FY2004 (April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005)

Information Systems Operating Division

JAERI-Review 2005-032, 151 Pages, 2005/08


Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) installed large computer systems including super-computers in order to support research and development activities in JAERI. CCSE operates and manages the computer system and network system. This report presents usage records of the JAERI computer system and the big users' research and development activities by using the computer system in FY2004 (April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005).

36 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)